Chart Js is cool
The next day of tomorrow will be my final year project's final submission presentation. Our team successfully make a good documentation for our application and we are making our app using laravel and angular It is not more awesome but it's ok. In any application there need to be make reports which can summarize the results or status of the application. Data visualization is required because manager has no more time to see every status, Manager can see the visual things and get the information about the system or organization that's why we need to make reports.
In my Final year project main remaining part is reports, And I started to make reports using chart js. today I just copy and pasted code to my application and make the line chart, bar diagram and pie chart. Which is awesome and lots of flexible to make. Today I just make these diagrams using static data. Tomarrow I will add from my database.
ChartJs is Cool and Awesome .