About Me

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A single person who is web designer, front end developer as well as back end developer, Need to make all UI and UX design of web application too that is me Obviously I am Madhu Sudhan Subedi. I love code and very dedicated person. I want to become One man Army That's why i got the problem all the time. Currently I am Studying B.Sc.Csit in Academia International College and Working at UNX as a web designer and developer. I can fit in any programming language and can complete the task within deadline. Sometimes when it's very hard to complete task if that tasks are newer to me then I will solve that kinds of problems by working Hard. I am not talented people i just follow the rules and i am very curious to the things which i think to do.

Before Getting Started any work, Detail Study of the that particular thing are very important so i always become the wild researchers I just implement the things what i required, That means I do not do any experiment that's my bad habit.I will correct that and i will experiment on these thing and need to deep study.