How I design Website in Photoshop

12:10 PM Unknown 6 Comments

A single Person who is the web designer , Front end developer as well as back end developer, Need to make all the UI and UX design of web application too that is me, I am Madhu Sudhan Subedi. I love all those things, But the problem is if i want to make all the things professionally i need to spend a lot of time to lot of tools and programming techniques. Actually I am Php developer, familiar with laravel framework and i have several experiences of the website development by using wordpress too, Now I need to move on Ruby on Rails too so that i need to take care of all the things. If i make the professional  design of website in photoshop then only i can implement on front end development. So How I take care for the website design in photoshop by using less time to make professional layout that things are going to talk in this article.

The Most important things for website design are clear layout with suitable combination of typography, appropriate color combination, Suitable Fonts , clear photos or images etc. If we take care about these things we can make clear and good looking website. I have no more time to study photoshop and I am not so much talented people, I just believe on hard work and analysis, Because I have to do lot of stuffs on web development. To make Professional website design I follow the some website which can give website design ideas. To Choose the fonts I searched for the google fonts by selecting the category of website which i gonna develop. For the color Combination, I follow that provides lots of colour palatte you can use any colour palatte which you think appropriate for your website. For the images i always use, In this site we can get awesome and professional images. We can freely downlaod the images.

By getting all these things I ready to design the website on photoshop. First I make the mock up for design in papers or sometimes i use balsamiq mock up tool. Then I simply start the designing work. For this i will first select all the images,typography and colour combination.  Keep Calm and make the design awesome is my duty.

There are lots of sites which teach to make  professional  design using professional tools. In these days Website's Design must be flat and clean looking as well as sleek. For this you can follow the awesome type of newsletter. Please share me link if you got :). There is no any exact rules in designing , But I follow the rules because I am programmer more than designer. Keep on Hacking !

Here is the Link  You can see my some designs.


  1. Awesome Article, Keep it up man and keep on deep study.

  2. Replies
    1. You can view some of the design which i make design using photoshop. If you like my work do not forget to thumbs up.
