Laravel Project Virtual Hosting in Linux mint

10:19 AM Unknown 0 Comments

From a couple of days i have been working on voting_lession which is the tutorial series of .  And i really wanted to make virtual hosting of my projects But I thought i should install homestead and VirtualBox and other some tools. Actually my PC is quite slow so i do not want to install that tools. Finally i got the idea of virtual hosting using the apache server and today i implement the virtual hosting for the laravel project. How i configure and make virtual hosting that's gonna be describe here.

First I configure the file of 000-default.conf file which is inside of /etc/apache2/sites-available folder. I choose domain name and the project folder is inside of /var/www/html folder. Let's see the configuration file 000-default.conf

It's time to make some changes in the hosts file which is also inside of the /etc directory. In this file just add the domain name as following

I am not putting the voting_lession project directory inside of the /var/www/html folder I want to create the symbolic link for that, My real project is inside of the /home/madhu/Workspace/Laravel/voting_lession now I create the symbolic link in using following command

 ln -s /home/madhu/Workspace/Laravel/voting_lession  /var/www/html/

Now  it creates the symbolic link, I should restart the apache server using the following command.

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

and then enter on the browser, It will works for me ! Thanks !