Email Not sending Error finally solved in Laravel

10:50 AM Unknown 0 Comments

From Yesterday I was involving to make the email configuration for my website . In that website when user submit the form that data need to be send through the email. I did that type of work before successfully but Yesterday I got the problem . The problem is that all the data are reached to all function when check And It gives the success message when i submit the form. But Actually email not sent that is the real and crazy problem i ever faced in programming. For Programmer this type of situation is very woeful the situation not showing any error and not working by function as well. Then Finally I change the configuration email of the mail.php. There i changed the my email address then It Works It's amazing. Then I found the real solution for the problem that is due to the security Problem of email. After searching while there i make the captacha enable to the email id then It Works Finally.